Data plays a crucial role in building an effective and efficient education system. By collecting and analyzing data related to student performance, teacher effectiveness, school resources, and other factors, educators and policymakers can make data-driven decisions to improve the quality of education.

Education is backbone for every civilized nation, and there have been great deal of innovation that has gone in developing the best systems, and techniques to impart the best education and learning over last 300 years. However, there is still a huge requirement of systems that can evaluate, monitor and capture real time data intelligence on various aspects such as the course of learning curve, adaptability, and impact of learning and education from all the viewpoints of the involved stakeholders (student, faculty, management, parents and governing bodies)

Student Life Cycle Analytics
Our solution tracks real time feedback on quality of teaching and their learning experiences, Our SLC solution encourages increased engagement and involvement of students on various aspects of learning and identifies key focus areas and strengths and track them through out life cycle of student. At the same time our solution can track external and internal factors impacting student at various levels
Faculty SLC Analytics
Data can connect the dots when it comes to real time tracking of student performances and learning life cycle curve for every student over period of time so faculties can analyze real time and real life learning of students. Faculties can uncover development process curve for every students at various learning stages and identify the most impactful teaching methodology and sessions. We solution also tracks impact curve for faculties for self evaluation.

Management FSLC Analytics
More than often information reaches to the management only through screened layers and it becomes very difficult for management to act on these information in time. Management can track in real time faculty's and student's performance, monitor administration, monitor operations and manage it all a single analytical dashboard.
Parents SLC Analytics
With our solution parents can track their child's performance and learning curve from their devices , identify and work on focus area development of their child, track faculty's methodology and outcome of learning sessions, increase their involvement and interaction with faculty and management and also can monitor external and internal environment on child's growth and learning.

Our solution comes with a friendly UI and UX that is intuitive and functional on both web and app. A cloud based technology that is scalable, customizable and whose environment and functionality can be controlled at various level of operations and complete data privacy.