Public data plays an important role in governance by providing policymakers and citizens with the information they need to make informed decisions about policy and public services. By collecting and analyzing data, governments can develop evidence-based policies, monitor program outcomes, increase transparency and accountability, and improve public health outcomes.
Governance Data Verticals

Governance Index
We have developed an governance index based on citizen feedback can be a useful tool for evaluating the effectiveness of government policies and programs from the perspective of citizens. The index include indicators such as citizen satisfaction with government services, perceptions of government transparency and accountability, and perceptions of government responsiveness to citizen needs and concerns. These indicators are then weighted based on their importance to citizens and combined to create an overall score for each level of government
Periodic Opinion Gathering

Our solution unique feature captures periodic voting that can provide a continuous feedback loop for policymakers and citizens, allowing them to track changes in governance performance over time and identify areas where improvement is needed. It can also serve as a mechanism for holding government officials accountable to citizens and for promoting transparency in governance.
Comparative Geographical Benchmarking
Our solution is capable of doing geographical benchmarking that help identify regions that are performing well on certain indicators and that can serve as models for others. For example, a region or country that excels in citizen participation can provide valuable lessons for other regions or countries that are struggling to engage citizens in the governance process.

Designed for Real Time Accountability

Our solution is designed for real time accountability of various departments and institution responsible for managing governance parameters. The accountability is measured by citizen's perspective and with benchmark comparisons our solution provides periodic performance evaluation of these government or public bodies from the citizen's perspective and how they are performing relative to other cities in the region.