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Product Experience
Management System (P -EMS)

We provide your company with comprehensive insights and analytics that cover various aspects of your product basket, including customer perception, feedback, pricing, geolocation, demand, and placement expectations. With us you can make informed decisions, align your market penetration strategies, and optimize your marketing budget to minimize last minute surprises and maximize your returns on investment.

2. Product Feedback Analytics

We create an entire end to end eco-system for customer engagement on product feedback and provide you with ream time analytics on each and every product with defined feedback accuracy levels so you can get the most reliable data on your products. 

4. Product Geolocation Intelligence

Geographic intelligence plays a important role in product's success, marketing and advertisement budgets, and also your marketing strategies. Our advance survey eco-system provides you with these geolocation insights and saves you a great deal on your products promotions and engagements.  

1. Product Development Analytics


We provide you with the real time user perspectives on your aspirational products so you can optimize your product development processes and create better products to meet and exceed consumer expectations and at the same time step ahead than your competitors. 

3. Product Satisfaction Index


We track and let you know product satisfaction over its life cycle so you can track and monitor the product satisfaction curve.  It is imperative to capture time series product satisfaction intelligence to keep innovating product so your product does not get left behind in the competition. 

5. Product Perception Intelligence


Make your customer interactions visually appealing, intuitive and seamless across all digital channels through our tools, and monitor customer feedbacks and analytics in real time so you know your customer experience as soon as it happens. 

Product Development Analytics

We use data and metrics to gain insights into the performance of a product during its development cycle, these analytics typically involve tracking and analyzing various aspects of the product development process, such as user feedback, product usage patterns, testing results, and other relevant data. So you can leverage product development analytics, and identify areas for improvement and create best product ahead of your competitors. 

Product Feedback 


Our product feedback analytics typically involve collecting and analyzing customer feedback through various channels, such as surveys, reviews, and social media. By leveraging product feedback analytics, you can identify trends and patterns in customer feedback, pinpoint areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your products and enhance the overall customer experience.

Product Satisfaction Index

We collect and analyze data related to customer satisfaction, such as ratings, reviews, and feedback, and converting them into a numerical score or index. The product satisfaction index is an essential tool for your businesses as it allows you to track customer satisfaction over time, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to enhance the overall product experience.

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Product Geolocation 


We analyze user demographics, and other relevant information to understand how customers location influence their purchase decisions, and how product demand varies as per location. By leveraging product geolocation intelligence, you can optimize your distribution channels, target your marketing efforts more effectively, and tailor your products to better meet the needs of customers in respective geographic regions.

Product Demand Analytics

We carry out statistical analysis based on historical sales figures, customer demographics, purchasing patterns, and market trends, and predictive modelling to help business identify patterns in customer behavior, future inventory forecast, and how you can optimize product offerings.

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Product Perception Analytics

Product perception analytics let you understand your product placement with respect to your competitors and also allow you to understand which feature of the product are key for success of the product and how consumer perceive the utility of your product compared to other.  It also allow you better equip, design or market your product so the target perception of your product can be built. 

Product Pricing Analytics

Product pricing analytics provides you the most suitable pricing point that satisfies the product perception curve of the customer and where customer can click yes on the purchase decision. We carry out price elasticity analysis, value-based pricing, and dynamic pricing analysis. These methods can help your businesses identify optimal price points, set pricing strategies for different customer segments, and adjust prices in real-time based on changes in market conditions.

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