Public Sentiment Analyzing System
We have developed the most exhaustive Public sentiment Analysis system that in real time not only track public sentiments on critical aspects related to you or your entity but also provide you sentiment trend over period of time along other relevant and significant analysis.
Indexed Analytics
Our sentiment indexing will index public's cumulative sentiments and provide you a snapshot window for sentiments time series trends of past, recent or future information on you or your entity.
Ranking Analytics
Our tool provides you with real time analysis of your standing with respect to your competitor or chosen stakeholder or collaborator. So you can build your strategy around your desired positioning.
Impact Analytics
We track how issues, events and developments impacts your popularity and working and gives you a quantum measurement of the impact of it and also capture time series trends of such impacts.
Geolocation Sentiment Analytics
Our public sentiment analyzing system explore the geo location penetration of your popularity or your performances and slates the absolute intelligence region wise.
Quantified Sentiment Analysis
One of the most important aspect of our system is to quantify qualitative aspects of public sentiments and reviews to have a yard stick to measure impact and provide a quantitative assessment.

Public Sentiment Analyzing system use cases
Public sentiments on political, social and other issues & events
Public sentiments on elected representatives and public figures
Public sentiments on governance
Public sentiments on sustainable developments

Popularity Index
We have linked the direct and the lateral relational intelligence to get both measurement and impact of people's sentiment on your or your entity's popularity. We capture the your popularity trend and give you the best view of you and your entity's impact.

From Mood to Sentiments
Lateral Intelligence
Get the best view on public sentiments with our lateral intelligence system that provides intelligence from various dimensions

The power of translating opinions to quantitative measure is the true measurement of your true percived value
For the first across the world we have sentiment index reflecting true Popularity of Public figures, events, issues
Geolocation Sentiments Analysis
We collect and analyze geolocation and sentiment data in real-time, to gain insights into how people are feeling about a particular issue, event, or a public figure or representative, and identify trends and patterns in public sentiment.

Governance Index
Our Governance Index ensures a 360 degree workable model that ensure flow of information and accountability from down to top and vice-versa ensuring a good governance model based on public perception and reviews.
Geolocation Issue Impact Assessment Analytics
We monitor and get you the best geolocation issue impact analysis using geolocation data to assess the potential impact of a particular issue or event in a specific geographic region. We gather data on the issue or event, identify the affected geographic area, and analyze the potential impact on the local population and infrastructure

Assessing the performance of elected representatives through data gathering from public polls can be a useful tool in gaining insights into how the public perceives their performance. Public polls can provide valuable data on issues such as job approval ratings, favorability ratings, and specific policy preferences.
Periodic Re-Opinion Collection
Our periodic re-voting aspect along with correcting correcting performance measurement factor helps show case status of performance and its upward or downward trends